What Do You Really Want?

It’s that time of year again where we start thinking about our plans for the year ahead. We criticise everything we have done in the year previously, sometimes further back than that. And then we set our plans for our future. The burning question is- do we implement them? Do we even know how to implement them?

Honestly, its so simple...

Firstly- you have to write your goals down IN DETAIL! You want a Range Rover? Great! What colour? Finance? Are you going to sell your old car or part exchange? These simple questions make your goal achievable, because its real talk! Secondly- when? When are you going to meet that goal? Because saying you want something is all well and good, but wanting it and getting it are two totally different things. So set a date.

Finally- How? And this is the most important. Setting yourself a goal and reaching that goal needs to be strategically planned. Is it achievable based on your finances? How will you raise these finances? Is it a health goal? How are you setting aside the time to get to the gym?

So for 2022, take your time, think about it and implement your goals the right way.

And whilst you are doing this- don’t be hard on yourself but also be real with yourself. When you say to me “I want a new career where I earn loads of money” my answer will always be the same. The career doesn’t bring you loads of money your efforts do. It’s the age old saying- you get out of it what you put into it. And if you’re wanting to talk about money you have to do it openly!

Some people will freely talk about their time between the sheets to friends but whisper when it comes to finances. Money=Problems. We grew up with it, its engrained into us. Parents arguing about money or your Grandad: “here’s a fiver- don’t tell your Mum”. So start to look at your money differently. Because if you are really true to yourself…The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your own terms…And the questions you need to ask are when and how.

"The goal isn't more money. The goal is living life on your own terms..."

… I will be working with a select few of my students helping them reach their goals. I’m going to be picking these goals to pieces to make them achievable. And it will start with TIME. How much time is spent on or in their business VS. how much time they are living their life- freely.

This business support is just a small benefit of training at my academy. I don’t want you to train with me and go off and fail. I want to continue working with you to watch you succeed. I want to be your biggest fan. 

So if you have trained with me previously and are looking for that push and shove into 2022 the just reach out!

And if you are considering training here at EVJ Training Academy- tell me exactly what you want to achieve whether you are having a complete career change or you’re just adding on to your current skill set.

I truly believe that our care for your business is what sets us above the rest. Its not just getting the perfect lip shape- its getting the perfect picture, its advertising it to reach your perfect client. It’s making sure that your price of treatments allows you to enjoy working within your own business and leaving enough time for you to reap those benefits of working so hard.

We are totally transparent here at EVJ Training Academy and have a whole team of people not only ready to train you, but to guide you every step of the way.

If you are a student wanting to take advantage of our free business coaching in 2022 please email me [email protected]

Every new step in your business requires you to get out of your comfort zone...

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